In 1984 over 20,000 Sikhs were beaten,tortured and burned to death within a 4 day span. 4000 were killed in one city alone.
This was in response to the assasination of Indira Ghandi who was killed by her 2 Sikh bodyguards. Some Sikhs took to arms and decided to fight for their rights.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
What's the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?
Depends on situation. Terrorist like to terrorize the innocent including women and children and bring their fight to civilians. Freedom fighters tend to be in the fields and zones of where there opressors are located. I beleive they avoid taking innocent life at all cost but are willing to sacrifice if necessary for their cause.
I feel that freedom fighters main goal is to emancipate themselves from political or religious oppression. They don't neccessarily need guns and weapons. Like Gandhi, he was considered a freedom fighter and he frowned upon using acts of violence, instead he fought through peaceful means. Terrorists, however, instill fear into men and women, they use that same fear to generate anger and resentment into the public. They are well trained in convincing normal people like you and me to commit violent acts in the name of religion. I feel they are very intelligent because they brainwash people into thinking they have to commit these acts in order to be one with god.
To me Freedom fighters fight to improve there situation for the better of there country or state or what have you. People also join on there own behalf and beliefs for the common good. Terrorists use fear to get there following and have no reguard of who they hurt and even kill in the process.
I believe a freedom fighter is someone who fights for the rights of the people who are being oppressed by higher authority to improve their country or state. A terrorist on the other hand has done something that offends the conscience and whose intent is to terrorize, frighten, harass and kill innocent people. Usually using religion as an excuse for their terrorist acts.
A terrorist would be someone that attacks innocent people to create fear in them, and a freedom fighter is pretty much self-explanatory. They are fighting for their freedom, and they are not fighting to frighten anyone. Of course it does cause fear in the person they're fighting against, but the intent is to gain the rights of being a human.
Freedom Fighter: A person who is fighting against a group in power, which is using that power in order to oppress the freedoms of another group under their control. When I say 'oppressing the freedoms' of others, this could range from open practicing of a certain religious worship, the equal access to civil and civic liberties for all people, or the oppression could be to the extent of genocidal type acts in attempts to completely eliminate a certain group. Terrorist: A person who is fighting against a group in power which may or may not be oppressing others under than control. Regardless, the ultimate goal of the terrorist is not to bring equality of freedoms to all, but to ultimately gain power in order to exert oppressive control themselves, over people of other groups. Essentially the major, and possibly only, difference between the two groups in my eyes would be the 'goal' or 'outcome' that is being fought for.
As with other previous posts, I believe the main difference between freedom fighters and terrorists is the motives for their actions. Freedom fighters are in a war against oppressors where as terrorist are fighting to be the oppressors. Freedom fighters are fighting, via violent and non-violent means to maintain equality and uphold the rights of all. Terrorists rely heavily on violent tactics to instill fear in the people they are trying to dominate and oppress; so that the terrorist culture/people/nationality/country is in a sense dominant of others, promoting un-equality and denying others of essential rights.
Freedom fighters fight for equality of the population they are representing. They fight so that their own people can enjoy the everyday rights and privileges others have; including freedom of religion. Terrorists fight to force their beliefs and rituals onto other. This may include beliefs that certain cultures or religions are superior to others. Terrorists thrive off of fear, leading people and followers to obey them through threats; usually using religion as an excuse to gain power and a sense of 'direction,' so that followers can say they are doing something good through the excuse of religion.
One of the posts that showed up on our facebook wall in relation to this topic:
"Major commander named BARAR was incharge of The invasion into the golden temple. I don't believe that what had happen to us Sikhs was right at all. There Is no justification nor any rationalization to Any of the deaths of both Sikhs and Hin...dus. I just feel that if people want to be aware of their history. They should dig as deep as possible into there roots and the same amount of effort into the real factual information that is only found out by a serious effort to find out the real truth. I believe this post puts up a right to have a racial biast. Which is not acceptable in this economy and or time. otherwise I'm proud as a dual citizen to India and America that indias prime minister is Sikh and is leading India in the right way. Sorry for the essay. But ay it's fb were we all are allowed to express our first amendment. Late" - Y.C.
Economy has nothing to do with racial bias, there will never be a good time for racial bias. As for General Brar, he was one aspect of many. The point of the post is to get both sides and and then take the opinions of our youth and compare to actual stated facts". How easy it is to say get all the truth, yet in that attempt people hinder with their views of what they believe. Brar (who is insignificant in the big picture) took orders from the Congress party which lead India, the Sikh Prime Minister (also Congress party) has asked the Sikhs to forget what happened in 84, if you are happy with that, it is your right. Project Generation Awareness will not let it be forgotten. The deaths of our brothers, mothers and fathers will not be forgotten. In addition, this post is not about what happened to Sikhs in 84, it is about what people believe to be the difference between terrorists and freedom fighters, if the opinions look biased maybe there is substance there? Hence..... Data is being collected for a 5 part series, let's not jump ahaead by adding things you may think need to be included. There is a reason for the different segments, it is to avoid dialogue about subjects we have yet to review in detail. This is an attempt to avoid tunnel vision, as that will cause biased opinions and that is not what we want.
There is a gray area that must be recognized when asserting your distinction between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.
It mostly depends on a couple things who is doing the labeling, who is being labeled and the acts or behavior of the individual who is being labeled. One maybe labeled a terrorist and they may see themselves as a freedom fighter and the same is true for a freedom fighter being labeled a terrorist.
It isn’t and/or shouldn’t be so easy to put a label on a person or group without first looking closely at their intended actions. To do this we must take the time to understand all the facts (learn our history) and by doing so we will find the motives behind it all.
So, for me it isn’t just black or white it all depends on that obscured line between the two where I find the differences.
A freedom fighter is robbed of something vital, such as a homeland, and their struggle is to obtain it or gain it back. This is done either through peaceful protests or more rebellious ways and there is generally compassion for the innocent (children, women, elderly and non-combatants).
Terrorists are less worried with getting hold of land or infrastructure than they are with the annihilation of their enemy.
They are usually cunning enough to conceal their motives by getting an oppressed group to follow them, but their destruction isn’t over when they get hold of what they claim they want. The terrorist will continue to fight until there is a total destruction of their enemy. In the case of the terrorist there isn’t much compassion for the innocent, which would be considered collateral damage by many is usually the targeted group of terrorist.
I believe a terrorist is someone who brings pain and grief to others for their own benefit. A freedom fighter is someone who is fighting for the rights of others because they are not being heard and are being treated in a ill manner.
This subject gets you thinking. Is 'One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter?'
Yes and no? Is there a clear distinction? I'm just thinking out loud here.
But my conversation today with P. Dhillon made me think about this. Obviously, if I am a follower of a terrorist, (I'm young and this individual is the most significant role model in my life) I would most likely think he's my 'freedom fighter.' People, old and young, get manipulated into thinking that what THEY are fighting for is the greater good.
I asked my niece something of the sort and she said "We just see the world in black and white. Only few notice that there are shades of grey. And the lucky ones see it all in color. It's so true; does the terrorist ever put themselves in the shoes of a freedom fighter and see their views? Vice versa?
In my opinion:
At the end of the day, terrorists engage in bloodshed, without any remorse for their actions and the innocent people that have been victimized. They don't necessarily have a reason to be in war, or opposition. Their intent is to destruct. They mask their intentions behind religion.
A freedom fighter fights for something that is significant. Perhaps not just their rights, they fight for their people, their home, their nation. They have REASON. They are "fighting for the greater good."
Two terms that are very easily confused by people who do not understand or choose not to understand the motives of the group. Freedom fighters in my view are people with similar interest/cause engaged in fighting for their people or their own freedom from an oppression. In doing so, certain methods may be used not agreed by others, but freedom fighters are not after harming the innocent. On the other end, terrorism, in my view, goals to target innocent people/civilians or even government/organizations by use of terror to get what they want. The fight maybe or may not be against the harmed group however, innocent people get hurt. They use violence or threaten with violence to get to their goal. In conclusion, Freedom fighters fight oppression and terrorists bring oppression.
Whoever is in power calls anyone who is against it a terrorist, but once the people in power are overthrown, the former terrorists are called freedom fighters, and those originally in power are labeled the new terrorists. Even well-known freedom fighting groups have used terroristic tactics such as killing civilians. Also, many so called terrorists claim to be fighting for their freedom. So, what is the difference?
Before we call an individual or group of people freedom fighters or terrorists..we must have knowledge of the history and background of what drove them to commit the act. Both use violence to prove a point, however the driving force behind a freedom fighter is oppression of their people. A freedom fighter is fighting for the innocent while the terrorist is killing them. A terrorist wants to bring fear to a nation or a group of people. A freedom fighter sees that fear in the eyes of his or her nation is fighting for the greater good. It's true, depends on who is doing the labeling. The group of people we think are terrorist believe they are freedom fighters for their people or religion. As mentioned before, this is why its important to know the history and roots.
a terrorist is someone who targets violence indiscriminately towards civilians and/or military to obtain attention for their own movements. Creating fear to the population and to intimidate the government. Violence is the key source for them, terrorist grow up knowing violence as a normal deed.
a freedom fighter is someone that wants to defend their countries rights and from domination by other governments and military. freedom fighters unlike terrorist are people with daily lives. They kill to improve their aspects of life.
The difference between a freedom fighter and terrorist is that a freedom fighter fights for there rights and what's wrong, they see the whole picture and know what to fight about. A terrorist is some one who thinks one thing, someone that doesn't take in information on what's going on, they just want to hear themselves, and think on there own after what others have told them, they don't see the whole picture.
Anyone and everyone can consider themselves as a Freedom fighter based on what their beliefs are. Its considered to be that someone that causes harm to any nation or human being is a stereo typical terrorist. Back in 1984 Sant Jarnail SIngh Bhinderanwale was considered to be a Freedom fighter, as self explanatory the words "freedom fighter" are the true essence is what makes them a freedom fighter. Sant Jarnail SIngh Bhinderanwale is considered as a Shaheed today. Shaheed meaning someone who fulfills a religious destiny/commandment, or also known as a martyr. Jarnail Singh fought for Sikh independence against the corrupt government India was upholding during that time period. Just like how today Islamic regions are fighting for their right to have their own freedom of religion. The so called freedom fighter is someone who is someone who fights for whats based on a whole society rather selfish acts and terrorizing society.
Terrorist as many describe it as just someone causing some type of harmful actions. A terrorist usually believes that what their beliefs are, are right. Meaning they believe that god sent them out to do these actions. As you've noticed over the years every terrorist always upholds the essence of god. Everything they do the always mention gods names. Well aren't they just considered as freedom fighters too for having the involvement of religion? Even they are fighting for the right of religion. Honestly, as we see it any harmful action to one another is wrong and having people today purposely taking lives just to get a point across is just unethical. In my words a terrorist isn't just someone who causes harm to an environment but someone who does it just to prove something. Terrorists believe that what they're doing is right no matter how god views it because they believe that's what they were sent for. Terrorists and freedom fighters aren't to different due what they fight for but causing harm to get a point across is ridiculous. A Terrorist is a relatively related to a freedom fighter but holds morals of unnecessary harm.
Friends responses to this question when asked on facebook.
Donna Sohal What do u think the difference is between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? 15 hours ago · Comment · Like Raman Kaur a terrorist, is someone who frightens people and is devoted to destruction of people and mankind for whatever insane reason..
Freedom fighter, fights for goodness going against anything that may be in the way government/ authorities ect Is usually trying to looking out for the welfare of all... 13 hours ago · Like Sumeet Randhawa it is; in political terminology whoever looses is a freedom fighter and whoever wins is a terrorist. 13 hours ago · Like Luis A. Maldonado The way you spell each term. They both act alike. 13 hours ago · Like Donna Sohal Thank u for ur responses my friends :) 12 hours ago · Like
Freedom Fighter: "insurgent: a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)"
Terrorist: "a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities"
In my opinion, a Terrorist is a person who uses terror tactics and harm innocents in order to obtain their goal.
While on the other hand, Freedom Fighters fight the direct group in which they have confilicts with.
A fine line between these two ideas cannot be drawn. As mentioned above, there is a gray area when attempting to define and classify what characteristics make an individual a freedom fighter or a terrorist. As the saying goes, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". The definition of this statement depends on everyone's perception of a terrorist and freedom fighter, including their motives and actions. My definition of a freedom fighter is one or more persons who is dedicated to fight for freedom from oppression of their rights as civilians of their country by using means of non-violence such as protests. These individuals seek out to achieve what they believe is morally right. A well known example is Mahatma Gandhi and Dalai Lama, both who fought for freedom for the people of their country by means of non-violence. A terrorist, on the other hand, I think is someone or a group of individuals who use terror and in most cases, destruction and barbaric violence to seek revenge against a target group of people in a city, state, or country. I have seen in US and world history that these so-called terrorists usually are against a person and/or their ideas and end up targeting the surrounding innocent civilians just to show how angry they feel.
I agree with many who stated that we must understand the history behind the rebellious actions that people took to get their message across. The violent acts that occured back in 1984 were not spontaneous, but sparked due to disliking the actions of the Indian government, which in turn led to death of innocent civilians. -Smita
Terrorist is the one who causes terror for the sake spreading fear among people and has some unlawful intentions.
Freedom fighting also denotes armed rebellion but this is done for the common good .
Terrorist mostly attack the common masses as well to get influence ,but freedom fighter targets the enemy like, the group he is fighting against ,whether it is government or military.
But as it is said that "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" so it is hard to define it in the present world scenario.
By using the power of media ,and twisting the facts one can call the freedom fighters , the "Terrorists" and the terrorists ,"freedom fighters". For example, Palestinians are fighting to gain freedom for themselves but the powers against them ,call them terrorists.
A freedom fighter in my opinion is someone that fights for a cause they strongly believe in. They fight to improve their conditions and for people to understand their situations. They do not want to intentionally harm others, however, in there battle for the greater good it is inevitable.
My opinion of a terrorist is a person who puts Fear in an individual.They deliberately target and disregard man kind. They also use their religion as an excuse for their actions.
The difference between the two is based on the perception of those who are affected by the actions of a terrorist/freedomfighter. I believe that most of the world would not hesistate to lable those involved in orchestrating the 9/11 as "terrorist." I personally agree with that label. Yet, there are many in the Islamic world that label them as "freedom fighters." They view the actions of those men as protectors of Islam and their beliefs. If one were to point to the death and destruction they caused and ask how they could be called a freedom fighter, they would respond by reminding the world of the American efforts to end "terrorism" in the world which has resulted in the death of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. In the eyes of those who have lost a loved on in the "war against terrorism," the American presence in the Middle-East is one of oppression and terrorism.
Honestly it all depends on how you look at it and depends on your own personal views. In my views this is what each one is:
A terrorist is someone who brings grief to people by harming, hurting, or destroying something that they think will make a statement to show whomever they are trying to prove a point to.
A freedom fighter is someone who is fighting for the freedom of their people but are not doing it in the sense that they are bringing grief to others.
I think a freedom fighter, fights for what he believe; such as culture, religion. Freedom fighters don't demand things, they just want to be herd in the world of what they believe in. A terrorist is someone who puts innocent peoples lives in jeopardy not giving any sort of sorrow for it. Terrorists are people who only want you to believe I what they do. The main difference is that a freedom fighter will not harm people for not believing what they believe, and a terrorist will.
A freedom fighter puts life and perspective together and sees the world from other people’s point of view. He or she struggles through violent to achieve a desired goal that benefits a group of struggling or under achieved community. A freedom fighter puts his or her life in frontline. A terrorist is a coward who hides and strikes alike a sly fox. A coward fights with a sword whereas a brave fights with a pen. A terrorist thinks only in ones interest and harms a community. A terrorist takes an innocent life whereas a freedom fighter protects an innocent life.
A freedom fighter thinks for welfare of the society. Whereas a terrorist is a selfish person who puts the society at risk for his own good. I hate it when people reffer to Sant Jarnail singh Bhindranwala and his men as well as other singhs who faught for sikhism, as terrorists. They were clearly freedom fighters and only thought for sikhs well being. KHALISTAN ZINDABAD.
Depends on situation. Terrorist like to terrorize the innocent including women and children and bring their fight to civilians. Freedom fighters tend to be in the fields and zones of where there opressors are located. I beleive they avoid taking innocent life at all cost but are willing to sacrifice if necessary for their cause.
ReplyDeleteI feel that freedom fighters main goal is to emancipate themselves from political or religious oppression. They don't neccessarily need guns and weapons. Like Gandhi, he was considered a freedom fighter and he frowned upon using acts of violence, instead he fought through peaceful means. Terrorists, however, instill fear into men and women, they use that same fear to generate anger and resentment into the public. They are well trained in convincing normal people like you and me to commit violent acts in the name of religion. I feel they are very intelligent because they brainwash people into thinking they have to commit these acts in order to be one with god.
ReplyDeleteTo me Freedom fighters fight to improve there situation for the better of there country or state or what have you. People also join on there own behalf and beliefs for the common good. Terrorists use fear to get there following and have no reguard of who they hurt and even kill in the process.
ReplyDeleteI believe a freedom fighter is someone who fights for the rights of the people who are being oppressed by higher authority to improve their country or state. A terrorist on the other hand has done something that offends the conscience and whose intent is to terrorize, frighten, harass and kill innocent people. Usually using religion as an excuse for their terrorist acts.
ReplyDeleteA terrorist would be someone that attacks innocent people to create fear in them, and a freedom fighter is pretty much self-explanatory. They are fighting for their freedom, and they are not fighting to frighten anyone. Of course it does cause fear in the person they're fighting against, but the intent is to gain the rights of being a human.
ReplyDeleteFreedom Fighter: A person who is fighting against a group in power, which is using that power in order to oppress the freedoms of another group under their control. When I say 'oppressing the freedoms' of others, this could range from open practicing of a certain religious worship, the equal access to civil and civic liberties for all people, or the oppression could be to the extent of genocidal type acts in attempts to completely eliminate a certain group.
ReplyDeleteTerrorist: A person who is fighting against a group in power which may or may not be oppressing others under than control. Regardless, the ultimate goal of the terrorist is not to bring equality of freedoms to all, but to ultimately gain power in order to exert oppressive control themselves, over people of other groups.
Essentially the major, and possibly only, difference between the two groups in my eyes would be the 'goal' or 'outcome' that is being fought for.
As with other previous posts, I believe the main difference between freedom fighters and terrorists is the motives for their actions. Freedom fighters are in a war against oppressors where as terrorist are fighting to be the oppressors. Freedom fighters are fighting, via violent and non-violent means to maintain equality and uphold the rights of all. Terrorists rely heavily on violent tactics to instill fear in the people they are trying to dominate and oppress; so that the terrorist culture/people/nationality/country is in a sense dominant of others, promoting un-equality and denying others of essential rights.
ReplyDeleteFreedom fighters fight for equality of the population they are representing. They fight so that their own people can enjoy the everyday rights and privileges others have; including freedom of religion. Terrorists fight to force their beliefs and rituals onto other. This may include beliefs that certain cultures or religions are superior to others. Terrorists thrive off of fear, leading people and followers to obey them through threats; usually using religion as an excuse to gain power and a sense of 'direction,' so that followers can say they are doing something good through the excuse of religion.
ReplyDeleteOne of the posts that showed up on our facebook wall in relation to this topic:
ReplyDelete"Major commander named BARAR was incharge of The invasion into the golden temple. I don't believe that what had happen to us Sikhs was right at all. There Is no justification nor any rationalization to Any of the deaths of both Sikhs and Hin...dus. I just feel that if people want to be aware of their history. They should dig as deep as possible into there roots and the same amount of effort into the real factual information that is only found out by a serious effort to find out the real truth. I believe this post puts up a right to have a racial biast. Which is not acceptable in this economy and or time. otherwise I'm proud as a dual citizen to India and America that indias prime minister is Sikh and is leading India in the right way. Sorry for the essay. But ay it's fb were we all are allowed to express our first amendment. Late" - Y.C.
Economy has nothing to do with racial bias, there will never be a good time for racial bias. As for General Brar, he was one aspect of many. The point of the post is to get both sides and and then take the opinions of our youth and compare to actual stated facts". How easy it is to say get all the truth, yet in that attempt people hinder with their views of what they believe. Brar (who is insignificant in the big picture) took orders from the Congress party which lead India, the Sikh Prime Minister (also Congress party) has asked the Sikhs to forget what happened in 84, if you are happy with that, it is your right. Project Generation Awareness will not let it be forgotten. The deaths of our brothers, mothers and fathers will not be forgotten. In addition, this post is not about what happened to Sikhs in 84, it is about what people believe to be the difference between terrorists and freedom fighters, if the opinions look biased maybe there is substance there? Hence.....
ReplyDeleteData is being collected for a 5 part series, let's not jump ahaead by adding things you may think need to be included. There is a reason for the different segments, it is to avoid dialogue about subjects we have yet to review in detail. This is an attempt to avoid tunnel vision, as that will cause biased opinions and that is not what we want.
There is a gray area that must be recognized when asserting your distinction between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.
ReplyDeleteIt mostly depends on a couple things who is doing the labeling, who is being labeled and the acts or behavior of the individual who is being labeled. One maybe labeled a terrorist and they may see themselves as a freedom fighter and the same is true for a freedom fighter being labeled a terrorist.
It isn’t and/or shouldn’t be so easy to put a label on a person or group without first looking closely at their intended actions. To do this we must take the time to understand all the facts (learn our history) and by doing so we will find the motives behind it all.
So, for me it isn’t just black or white it all depends on that obscured line between the two where I find the differences.
A freedom fighter is robbed of something vital, such as a homeland, and their struggle is to obtain it or gain it back. This is done either through peaceful protests or more rebellious ways and there is generally compassion for the innocent (children, women, elderly and non-combatants).
Terrorists are less worried with getting hold of land or infrastructure than they are with the annihilation of their enemy.
They are usually cunning enough to conceal their motives by getting an oppressed group to follow them, but their destruction isn’t over when they get hold of what they claim they want. The terrorist will continue to fight until there is a total destruction of their enemy. In the case of the terrorist there isn’t much compassion for the innocent, which would be considered collateral damage by many is usually the targeted group of terrorist.
I believe a terrorist is someone who brings pain and grief to others for their own benefit. A freedom fighter is someone who is fighting for the rights of others because they are not being heard and are being treated in a ill manner.
ReplyDeleteThis subject gets you thinking. Is 'One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter?'
ReplyDeleteYes and no? Is there a clear distinction? I'm just thinking out loud here.
But my conversation today with P. Dhillon made me think about this. Obviously, if I am a follower of a terrorist, (I'm young and this individual is the most significant role model in my life) I would most likely think he's my 'freedom fighter.' People, old and young, get manipulated into thinking that what THEY are fighting for is the greater good.
I asked my niece something of the sort and she said "We just see the world in black and white. Only few notice that there are shades of grey. And the lucky ones see it all in color. It's so true; does the terrorist ever put themselves in the shoes of a freedom fighter and see their views? Vice versa?
In my opinion:
At the end of the day, terrorists engage in bloodshed, without any remorse for their actions and the innocent people that have been victimized. They don't necessarily have a reason to be in war, or opposition. Their intent is to destruct. They mask their intentions behind religion.
A freedom fighter fights for something that is significant. Perhaps not just their rights, they fight for their people, their home, their nation. They have REASON. They are "fighting for the greater good."
Two terms that are very easily confused by people who do not understand or choose not to understand the motives of the group. Freedom fighters in my view are people with similar interest/cause engaged in fighting for their people or their own freedom from an oppression. In doing so, certain methods may be used not agreed by others, but freedom fighters are not after harming the innocent. On the other end, terrorism, in my view, goals to target innocent people/civilians or even government/organizations by use of terror to get what they want. The fight maybe or may not be against the harmed group however, innocent people get hurt. They use violence or threaten with violence to get to their goal. In conclusion, Freedom fighters fight oppression and terrorists bring oppression.
ReplyDeleteWhoever is in power calls anyone who is against it a terrorist, but once the people in power are overthrown, the former terrorists are called freedom fighters, and those originally in power are labeled the new terrorists.
ReplyDeleteEven well-known freedom fighting groups have used terroristic tactics such as killing civilians. Also, many so called terrorists claim to be fighting for their freedom. So, what is the difference?
ReplyDeleteBefore we call an individual or group of people freedom fighters or terrorists..we must have knowledge of the history and background of what drove them to commit the act. Both use violence to prove a point, however the driving force behind a freedom fighter is oppression of their people. A freedom fighter is fighting for the innocent while the terrorist is killing them. A terrorist wants to bring fear to a nation or a group of people. A freedom fighter sees that fear in the eyes of his or her nation is fighting for the greater good. It's true, depends on who is doing the labeling. The group of people we think are terrorist believe they are freedom fighters for their people or religion. As mentioned before, this is why its important to know the history and roots.
ReplyDeletea terrorist is someone who targets violence indiscriminately towards civilians and/or military to obtain attention for their own movements. Creating fear to the population and to intimidate the government. Violence is the key source for them, terrorist grow up knowing violence as a normal deed.
ReplyDeletea freedom fighter is someone that wants to defend their countries rights and from domination by other governments and military. freedom fighters unlike terrorist are people with daily lives. They kill to improve their aspects of life.
The difference between a freedom fighter and terrorist is that a freedom fighter fights for there rights and what's wrong, they see the whole picture and know what to fight about.
ReplyDeleteA terrorist is some one who thinks one thing, someone that doesn't take in information on what's going on, they just want to hear themselves, and think on there own after what others have told them, they don't see the whole picture.
Anyone and everyone can consider themselves as a Freedom fighter based on what their beliefs are. Its considered to be that someone that causes harm to any nation or human being is a stereo typical terrorist. Back in 1984 Sant Jarnail SIngh Bhinderanwale was considered to be a Freedom fighter, as self explanatory the words "freedom fighter" are the true essence is what makes them a freedom fighter. Sant Jarnail SIngh Bhinderanwale is considered as a Shaheed today. Shaheed meaning someone who fulfills a religious destiny/commandment, or also known as a martyr. Jarnail Singh fought for Sikh independence against the corrupt government India was upholding during that time period. Just like how today Islamic regions are fighting for their right to have their own freedom of religion. The so called freedom fighter is someone who is someone who fights for whats based on a whole society rather selfish acts and terrorizing society.
ReplyDeleteTerrorist as many describe it as just someone causing some type of harmful actions. A terrorist usually believes that what their beliefs are, are right. Meaning they believe that god sent them out to do these actions. As you've noticed over the years every terrorist always upholds the essence of god. Everything they do the always mention gods names. Well aren't they just considered as freedom fighters too for having the involvement of religion? Even they are fighting for the right of religion. Honestly, as we see it any harmful action to one another is wrong and having people today purposely taking lives just to get a point across is just unethical. In my words a terrorist isn't just someone who causes harm to an environment but someone who does it just to prove something. Terrorists believe that what they're doing is right no matter how god views it because they believe that's what they were sent for. Terrorists and freedom fighters aren't to different due what they fight for but causing harm to get a point across is ridiculous. A Terrorist is a relatively related to a freedom fighter but holds morals of unnecessary harm.
Friends responses to this question when asked on facebook.
ReplyDeleteDonna Sohal What do u think the difference is between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?
15 hours ago · Comment · Like
Raman Kaur a terrorist, is someone who frightens people and is devoted to destruction of people and mankind for whatever insane reason..
Freedom fighter, fights for goodness going against anything that may be in the way government/ authorities ect
Is usually trying to looking out for the welfare of all...
13 hours ago · Like
Sumeet Randhawa it is; in political terminology whoever looses is a freedom fighter and whoever wins is a terrorist.
13 hours ago · Like
Luis A. Maldonado The way you spell each term. They both act alike.
13 hours ago · Like
Donna Sohal Thank u for ur responses my friends :)
12 hours ago · Like
Freedom Fighter: "insurgent: a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)"
ReplyDeleteTerrorist: "a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities"
In my opinion, a Terrorist is a person who uses terror tactics and harm innocents in order to obtain their goal.
While on the other hand, Freedom Fighters fight the direct group in which they have confilicts with.
A fine line between these two ideas cannot be drawn. As mentioned above, there is a gray area when attempting to define and classify what characteristics make an individual a freedom fighter or a terrorist. As the saying goes, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". The definition of this statement depends on everyone's perception of a terrorist and freedom fighter, including their motives and actions. My definition of a freedom fighter is one or more persons who is dedicated to fight for freedom from oppression of their rights as civilians of their country by using means of non-violence such as protests. These individuals seek out to achieve what they believe is morally right. A well known example is Mahatma Gandhi and Dalai Lama, both who fought for freedom for the people of their country by means of non-violence. A terrorist, on the other hand, I think is someone or a group of individuals who use terror and in most cases, destruction and barbaric violence to seek revenge against a target group of people in a city, state, or country. I have seen in US and world history that these so-called terrorists usually are against a person and/or their ideas and end up targeting the surrounding innocent civilians just to show how angry they feel.
ReplyDeleteI agree with many who stated that we must understand the history behind the rebellious actions that people took to get their message across. The violent acts that occured back in 1984 were not spontaneous, but sparked due to disliking the actions of the Indian government, which in turn led to death of innocent civilians.
Terrorist is the one who causes terror for the sake spreading fear among people and has some unlawful intentions.
ReplyDeleteFreedom fighting also denotes armed rebellion but this is done for the common good .
Terrorist mostly attack the common masses as well to get influence ,but freedom fighter targets the enemy like, the group he is fighting against ,whether it is government or military.
But as it is said that
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"
so it is hard to define it in the present world scenario.
By using the power of media ,and twisting the facts one can call the freedom fighters , the "Terrorists" and the terrorists ,"freedom fighters".
For example, Palestinians are fighting to gain freedom for themselves but the powers against them ,call them terrorists.
Christine Singh:
ReplyDeleteA freedom fighter in my opinion is someone that fights for a cause they strongly believe in. They fight to improve their conditions and for people to understand their situations. They do not want to intentionally harm others, however, in there battle for the greater good it is inevitable.
My opinion of a terrorist is a person who puts Fear in an individual.They deliberately target and disregard man kind. They also use their religion as an excuse for their actions.
The difference between the two is based on the perception of those who are affected by the actions of a terrorist/freedomfighter. I believe that most of the world would not hesistate to lable those involved in orchestrating the 9/11 as "terrorist." I personally agree with that label. Yet, there are many in the Islamic world that label them as "freedom fighters." They view the actions of those men as protectors of Islam and their beliefs. If one were to point to the death and destruction they caused and ask how they could be called a freedom fighter, they would respond by reminding the world of the American efforts to end "terrorism" in the world which has resulted in the death of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. In the eyes of those who have lost a loved on in the "war against terrorism," the American presence in the Middle-East is one of oppression and terrorism.
ReplyDeleteHonestly it all depends on how you look at it and depends on your own personal views. In my views this is what each one is:
ReplyDeleteA terrorist is someone who brings grief to people
by harming, hurting, or destroying something that they think will make a statement to show whomever they are trying to prove a point to.
A freedom fighter is someone who is fighting for the freedom of their people but are not doing it in the sense that they are bringing grief to others.
In political terms whoever wins or loses
ReplyDeletePer Steven C.:
ReplyDeleteI think a freedom fighter, fights for what he believe; such as culture, religion. Freedom fighters don't demand things, they just want to be herd in the world of what they believe in. A terrorist is someone who puts innocent peoples lives in jeopardy not giving any sort of sorrow for it. Terrorists are people who only want you to believe I what they do. The main difference is that a freedom fighter will not harm people for not believing what they believe, and a terrorist will.
A freedom fighter puts life and perspective together and sees the world from other people’s point of view. He or she struggles through violent to achieve a desired goal that benefits a group of struggling or under achieved community. A freedom fighter puts his or her life in frontline. A terrorist is a coward who hides and strikes alike a sly fox. A coward fights with a sword whereas a brave fights with a pen. A terrorist thinks only in ones interest and harms a community. A terrorist takes an innocent life whereas a freedom fighter protects an innocent life.
ReplyDeleteA freedom fighter thinks for welfare of the society. Whereas a terrorist is a selfish person who puts the society at risk for his own good. I hate it when people reffer to Sant Jarnail singh Bhindranwala and his men as well as other singhs who faught for sikhism, as terrorists. They were clearly freedom fighters and only thought for sikhs well being. KHALISTAN ZINDABAD.